
Showing posts from June, 2017

Summer Mindset

In August of 2016, my family, along with my parents and my brother and his family spent an amazing vacation in Rhode Island. The picture you see here was our view every morning from the home that we rented. It was always a breathtaking start to our day. Typically, conversations in the teacher office at this time of year centers around what vacation plans people have. Our family will probably get away to RI again, but our summer will also be filled with bringing my son to college visits (open houses), taxiing my daughter back and forth to orchestra camp, lots of fly fishing, and a number of other day trips with the family. But as I wrap up my 23rd year of teaching, I am also feeling like I still have work to do. For some strange reason, the end of the school year snuck up on me. And now that I have taken care of my end of the year paperwork, I am slowly transitioning to summer mode. This past year provided me with great opportunities to explore the world of mathematics.
Well, after a career that has covered every grade level from 7 – 12, two states, a couple of state and national recognitions, 20+ years, and thousands of students, I’m going to give this blogging thing a try. So, as the title asks… “Who cares?” Will what I share here mean anything to anyone? Or is this just an opportunity to have some personal reflection? I think the old saying about the tree falling in the woods applies here. However, I am reminded that when a tree falls, it creates nutrients for the forest floor that inspires new growth. So perhaps that is what I hope to create with this blog… personal growth and growth for those who stumble upon this blog. So check back with me later to see if any trees have fallen.